by JBTurf | Dec 22, 2020 | Lawn Care
Summer is here! Well no doubt about it, it’s summertime. Luckily we had some good rains a week ago that really helped a lot of struggling turf. We have seen numerous cases of lawn disease showing in many areas, most prominent are dollar spot and brown patch...
by JBTurf | Dec 22, 2020 | Lawn Care, Pest Control
One plus side to the long and cold winter, tick activity was very low in our area. However, with warmer temps and rain and moist conditions this spring they will be one the move. They will be laying eggs, eggs will be hatching, and nymphs and adults will be actively...
by JBTurf | Dec 22, 2020 | Lawn Care
We have realized some confusion among some of our customers regarding mowing. We DO NOT recommend mowing right Before we make an application to your lawn. Many of the products we use suggest no mowing 2 days before and 2 days after an application. Also regarding mower...
by JBTurf | Dec 22, 2020 | Lawn Care
Well, we are off to an early start this spring! Thanks to some warm temps and record rainfall this month, the snow has pretty well vanished in all areas. As usual, there is a lot of debris down, snow plow damage, standing water, matted down turf, and snow mold in some...
by JBTurf | Dec 22, 2020 | Lawn Care
Overwatering or under watering your lawn creates stress which can promote disease, insect and weed pressure, and unsightly thinning/clumping turf. How much water does a lawn need? On average 1.5 inches of water per week is adequate for most lawns. Determine how long...
by JBTurf | Dec 22, 2020 | Lawn Care
Improper mowing can create severe lawn problems. The most common mistakes are mowing too short or not mowing often enough. These errors can look unsightly and can weaken or even kill the grass plants. Mow Your Grass Tall & Often Never mow shorter than 2.5 to 3...