It’s been a long hard winter, and spring is finally around the corner!
As the snow cover slowly melts away, there may be a few surprises left behind.
You may see some unsightly damage from:
- Snow plowing and removal
- Salt and chemical ice melt
- Snow mold lawn disease
- Winter kill on turf plants

How to fix snow mold damage
JBTurf recommends that you remove debris, then rake out or dethatch your lawn as soon as possible.
This will help break up matted down areas and allow air into the thatch and root zone. We recommend a gypsum application for salt or pet damaged turf. As temperatures rise and the turf is fertilized, you will likely see some regrowth in these damaged areas.
If deemed necessary, the turf may need to be reseeded. Though fall is the best time for reseeding, severe damage may need to be seeded right away.
JBTurf Treats Turf Disease
We are Groton, MA’s turf experts. We can bring your lawn back to life after turf disease has invaded and negatively affected your lawn. We can also apply preventative fungicides if you have a known problem.
Request a consultation for turf disease solutions.